Pilots Tutorial - How to use an E6B Flight Computer
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A Pilots Guide on How to use the E6B Flight Computer
The E6B is an amazing flight computer that has no batteries and will never fail. It is a circular sliderule. It is also nicknamed a "whizwheel".
It is capable of doing: True Airspeed, True Altitude, Density Altitude, Wind Correction Angles, Ground Speed, Fuel Burned, Flight Time,
Off Course Correction Angles, Climb Gradients for Instrument Departures, Time and Distance to VOR stations, Basic Multiplication and Division,
and Unit Conversions.
The downside is, it does take a little pilot know-how. For example, the pilot must mentally keep track of decimals and be able to accurately place
decimals. "1" could be "10", "100", or "1000". A little common sense is needed some times.
A lot of ground schools apparently do not cover the E6B Flight computer very well. A lot of students are left asking "How do I use an E6B?" or
"Is there an E6B Tutorial online?" This page is meant to cover the areas other schools left out.
The full guide is published in the link below and at the top of this section on How to Use an E6B Flight Computer.
A Pilots Guide on How to use the E6B Flight Computer