Free Study Material to help you pass your written exam
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Learning all the stuff pilots need to know and how to actually fly is hard enough. For a new person, it might be challenge to get all the important information and retain it. There are many great resources out there to study for free, and I would like to help out and show you where to get them.
Of course, this website is a start! While I hate to refer people to other websites and other forums, my main mission is to try to provide great aeronautical knowledge and make my own contribution to aviation safety.
The FAA offers several Handbooks, which are great reference materials by themselves.
FAA Information
Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Airplane Flying Handbook

Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
This is the FAA version of aeronautical information. It is a very common reference material.

Student Pilot Guide

Pilot/Controller Glossary
There are a lot of words used in aviation, and often they are “magic”. This means that certain words have a very specific meaning, and sometimes the controller will not do something or offer something unless a “magic” word is used. This helps you know all the terms that you may encounter.
Federal Aviation Regulations
This is a no brainer. If you are ever wondering what the regulations say, you can look them up!
Office of the Chief Counsel
Sometimes you will find that the actual regulation is very vague and confusing. Often, there is a legal interpretation that explains it. This opinion will hold up in court.
Practical Test Standards
The practical test standards are basically telling you what your practical test/check ride will include. It has all the tasks you will be required to perform, and how well you need to perform them.
Other Resources
I have done my best to compile a bunch of other resources and other useful information.
Test Study Materials
The following are different websites to take practice exams to know if you are truly ready for your exam.
Exams 4 Pilots
Make sure you have the proper number of questions selected for the test you are studying for, with the right test selected, with all appropriate subjects selected.
Sporty’s Study Buddy
It is important to remain engaged and immersed in aviation, to gain a thorough understanding. While I am attempting to create my own aviation forum, I will not hide others. My mission was to promote aviation safety, and showing all available sources is key.
Pilots of America (“Blue Board”)
Purple Board
AOPA Board (“Red Board”)
Starry Fox Aviation Board