The costs of becoming a Pilot
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If you talk to anyone who is a pilot, or has been in the industry, the first thing they might say is that “flying is an expensive hobby”. The truth is, it is very expensive and money is one of the biggest reasons people stop flying or don’t even start. I often hear people talk about saving up money so they can start their pilot training. I always respond with “Well, that’s nice, but can you afford to keep flying to stay proficient after?” Flying is a lot of fun, at least on a personal hobby level, but it can be deadly if you slack off. With that said, it is very important to stay current and proficient.
There are several costs involved in getting your certificate, and other costs involved in continuing to fly afterward. The following costs are assuming a Part 61 training operation through a flight school and renting an airplane. Costs might be different if you own the airplane and know a freelance instructor. I have included an example set of prices below. The prices are approximate or lightly rounded. Starry Fox Aviation is not selling any of the following products. It is simply an example set of prices and a great online store to get them.
Becoming a Pilot
There are a lot of upfront costs. They include things like a training kit, head set, insurance, and a medical exam if required. While training, you will also need to pay for an instructor’s hourly rate.
Basic Pilot Supplies
Headset - Price: $320
David Clark H10-13.4 Headset

Student Pilot Training Kit - Price: $200
Jeppesen Private Pilot Part 61 Kit

Kit includes:
- Private Pilot Textbook
- Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual
- Private Pilot Practice Test Standards
- Private Pilot FAA Practical Test Study Guide
- Private Pilot FAA Airmen Knowledge Test Guide
- Private Pilot Pre-solo Written Exam
- FAR/AIM Manual
- Student CSG Computer (E6B)
- PN-1 Navigation Plotter
- Pilot Logbook
- Student Bag
Airplane Pilots Operating Handbook - Price: $70
Cessna 172S Airplane Information Manual

VFR Sectional Chart - Price: $9
VFR Sectional Chart

Airport/Facility Directory - Price: $6
Airport/Facility Directory

Airplane Checklist - Price: $18
SureCheck Cessna Checklist (Full Version - Single-Engine)

Pilot Supply cost Summary:
Item | Cost |
Headset | $320 |
Student Training Kit | $200 |
Airplane POH | $70 |
VFR Sectional | $9 |
Airport/Facility Directory | $6 |
Airplane Checklist | $18 |
Pilot Supply Total | $623 |
Other costs to consider
Renters Insurance - Price: $230
Avemco provides insurance for renters. Avemco is not the only insurance provider; however, it is the company I personally use. Often, a flight school will have insurance, but with a huge deductible. Your renters insurance is often enough to cover their deductible. It is very important to discuss insurance with your flight school to determine what you’re responsible for and what coverage you should get.
Written Exam - Price: $150
Checkride - Price: $400
Medical Exam - Price: $100
Plane Rental and Flight Training Costs:
The training costs can be broken down into: plane rental, flight instruction costs, and ground instruction costs. You may not actually do “ground training” with an instructor (you could do an at home study program), but this might also include flight briefings and debriefings. The following prices will be assuming a single engine, fixed landing gear, not high performance plane, using a “Wet” rental rate. Wet rental rates include the price of fuel in the rental rate. Dry Rental rates do not include fuel, which would mean you have to pay fuel separately.

Item | Rate | Time (hrs) | Total |
Cessna 172SP Wet Rental | $140/hr | 40 | $5,600.00 |
Flight Instruction | $40/hr | 25 | $1,000.00 |
Ground Instruction | $40/hr | 20 | $800.00 |
Total Training |
| $7400.00 |
Total Costs for Private Pilot Certification
The following table will show approximately how much it will cost, taking into account all of the factors above. Again, this is assuming you are the perfect pilot, getting your certificate at the bare minimum time required, going for the private pilots certificate under part 61, while renting.
Item | Cost |
Pilot Supplies | $623 |
Renters Insurance | $230 |
Written Exam | $150 |
Checkride | $400 |
Medical Exam | $100 |
Plane Rental and Flight Training | $7,400 |
Private Pilot Certification Total | $8,903 |