TSA Security Awareness Training
Flight instructors, Ground Instructors and flight school employees are required to take Security Awareness Training. It expires 1 year from date
of issue. You are required to keep a record of the training. The training module is available for free from the TSA website. The proof of the training may
be in the form of a printed certificate or a logbook endorsement.
The logbook endorsement looks like:
"I certify that I received security awareness training, as required by 49 CFR part 1552,
on the date indicated above. I also certify that any alternate security awareness training
program I used to comply with 49 CFR part 1552 meets the criteria in 49 CFR 1552.23(c)."
and the CFI's signature.
AOPA has taken over the training module, which can be found here:
The Training Module can be found here:
General Aviation Security Awareness Training
For discussion on TSA collaborating with AOPA for the course, see the following AOPA Article.
AOPA security training gets nod
Other useful links are:
AOPA’s Guide to TSA’s Alien Flight Training/Citizenship Validation Rule
TSA Alien Flight Student Program